Prometheus alertmanager Migrations
Guide to migrating Prometheus alertmanager YAML to Last9
Migrating from alertmanager
It is possible to migrate the alert rules YAML file compatible with Prometheus alertmanager to Last9 compatible alert configuration via an HTTP endpoint.
POST /v4/organizations/{org_slug}/entities/migrate/alertmanager
Request Body - The YAML config of alertmanager.
Response - The YAML config is compatible with Last9.
# sample.yaml contains the above YAMLcurl -XPOST{org_slug}/entities/migrate/alertmanager \ --data-binary @sample.yaml \ -H "X-LAST9-API-TOKEN: Bearer $TOKEN"
entities: - name: payment service type: alert-manager external_ref: payment service-alert-manager-alert-manager entity_class: alert-manager indicators: - name: "EXPR: HighRequestLatency - breach" query: job:request_latency_seconds:mean5m{service="payment"} > 0.5 - name: "EXPR: HighRequestLatency - threat" query: job:request_latency_seconds:mean5m{service="payment"} > 0.1 alert_rules: - name: High request latency indicator: "EXPR: HighRequestLatency - breach" total_minutes: 10 bad_minutes: 10 greater_than: 0 - name: HighRequestLatency - threat indicator: "EXPR: HighRequestLatency - threat" total_minutes: 10 bad_minutes: 10 greater_than: 0
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