Host Metrics
This document describes a sample setup for sending host metrics to Last9 via OpenTelemetry collector from Ubuntu host machines
Installing OTEL Collector to scrape Ubuntu Host metrics
This guide explains using the Last9 OpenTelemetry metrics endpoint to ingest metrics from Ubuntu using OpenTelemetry Collector.
- Install Otel Collector. There are multiple ways to install the Otel Collector. One possible way is to use the package. Every Collector release includes APK, DEB, and RPM packaging for Linux amd64/arm64/i386 systems.
- Tested the following configuration with Ubuntu 20.04/22.04 (LTS) versions.
Installation Steps
1. Install OpenTelemetry Collector
Tested on Ubuntu 22.04 (LTS):
sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get -y install wget systemctlwget dpkg -i otelcol-contrib_0.110.0_linux_amd64.deb
For more installation options, refer to the official documentation.
OpenTelemetry Collector Configuration
Edit the configuration file at /etc/otelcol-contrib/config.yaml
receivers: hostmetrics: collection_interval: 30s scrapers: cpu: metrics: system.cpu.time: enabled: true system.cpu.utilization: enabled: true system.cpu.logical.count: enabled: true memory: metrics: system.memory.usage: enabled: true system.memory.utilization: enabled: true load: metrics: system.cpu.load_average.1m: enabled: true system.cpu.load_average.5m: enabled: true system.cpu.load_average.15m: enabled: true disk: metrics: enabled: true system.disk.operations: enabled: true filesystem: metrics: system.filesystem.usage: enabled: true system.filesystem.utilization: enabled: true network: metrics: enabled: true enabled: true enabled: true paging: metrics: system.paging.usage: enabled: true system.paging.operations: enabled: true processes: metrics: system.processes.count: enabled: true system.processes.created: enabled: true process: mute_process_user_error: true metrics: process.cpu.time: enabled: true process.cpu.utilization: enabled: true process.memory.usage: enabled: true process.memory.utilization: enabled: true enabled: true process.threads: enabled: true process.paging.faults: enabled: true
processors: batch: timeout: 5s send_batch_size: 10000 send_batch_max_size: 10000 resourcedetection/system: detectors: ["system"] system: hostname_sources: ["os"] transform/hostmetrics: metric_statements: - context: datapoint statements: - set(attributes[""], resource.attributes[""]) - set(attributes["process.command"], resource.attributes["process.command"]) - set(attributes["process.command_line"], resource.attributes["process.command_line"]) - set(attributes[""], resource.attributes[""]) - set(attributes["process.executable.path"], resource.attributes["process.executable.path"]) - set(attributes["process.owner"], resource.attributes["process.owner"]) - set(attributes["process.parent_pid"], resource.attributes["process.parent_pid"]) - set(attributes[""], resource.attributes[""])
exporters: debug: verbosity: detailed otlp/last9: endpoint: <last9_otlp_endpoint> headers: Authorization: <last9_auth_header>
service: pipelines: metrics: receivers: [hostmetrics] processors: [resourcedetection/system, transform/hostmetrics, batch] exporters: [debug, otlp/last9]
Run the OpenTelemetry Collector:
otelcol-contrib --config /etc/otelcol-contrib/config.yaml
Run the otel collector using systemctl
sudo systemctl start otelcol-contribsudo systemctl status otelcol-contribsudo systemctl restart otelcol-contrib
Checking logs of otel collector
sudo journalctl -u otelcol-contrib -f
Verifying Metrics
This will push the metrics from the host machine to Last9. To see the data in action, visit the Grafana Dashboard.
Please get in touch with us on Discord or Email if you have any questions.