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Send logs to Last9 from Fastly for CDN monitoring

This document lists step-by-step instructions for pushing logs from Fastly CDN to Last9.


  1. Create a Last9 cluster by following Getting Started.
  2. Keep the following information handy after creating the cluster from the Integrations page:
    • $last9_otlp_endpoint: Last9’s OTLP endpoint copies from Fastly Integration section from Integrations page.
    • $last9_basic_auth_header: OTLP Basic authorization header


Last9 leverages Fastly’s real time log streaming Custom HTTPS endpoint integration to push logs from Fastly to Last9. Add Last9 ingestion endpoint for Fastly logs as Custom HTTPS endpoint by following next steps.

  1. Select the Service for which you want to send logs to Last9 and click on Logging.

Select the Fastly Service

  1. Select HTTPS Endpoint.

Click on the HTTPS endpoint

  1. Add the Last9 endpoint in the URL field. Use the $last9_otlp_endpoint copied in the earlier step.

Ensure that you add following query parameters. These are mandatory parameters for the Last9 integration.

Terminal window

Fastly Last9 ingestion endpoint

  1. Add Authorization header under Advanced Configuration. Use the $last9_basic_auth_header copied in the earlier step.

Fastly Last9 ingestion advanced configuration

Click Create to finish setting up Last9 logs ingestion endpoint.


Visit Log Explorer to see the Fastly logs in action. The service name for all Fastly logs is fastly unless overriden in Last9 Control Plane.


Please get in touch with us on Discord or Email if you have any questions.