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Send logs and metrics to Last9 from Akamai for CDN monitoring

This document lists step-by-step instructions for Akamai CDN monitoring with Last9.


Create a Last9 cluster by following Getting Started.

Keep the following information handy after creating the cluster:

  • $levitate_remote_write_url - Last9’s Remote write endpoint
  • $levitate_remote_write_username - Cluster ID
  • $levitate_remote_write_password - Write token created for the cluster


Last9 supports ingesting logs and metrics from Akamai.


Last9 leverages Akamai Datastream V2 Custom HTTPS endpoint integration to push logs from Akamai to Last9. Datastream can gather performance and security data for your global Akamai edge platform properties and stream them Last9.


Add Last9 ingestion endpoint for Akamai logs as Custom HTTPS endpoint.

  1. In Destination, select Custom HTTPS.
  2. Enter a human-readable description for the destination as a name.
  3. In Endpoint URL, enter the ingestion endpoint from Akamai integration.
  4. In Authentication, select: None for no authentication. The authentication is handled as Basic Authorization within the URL itself.
  5. Last9 Akamai ingestion endpoint supports JSON payloads. Enable application/json as the content type and log format as JSON instead of structured logs.
  6. Click Validate & Save to validate the connection to Last9.


Visit Logs Panel to see the Akamai logs.

More details on the custom HTTPS endpoint can be found here.


Last9 uses the Akamai Reporting API to fetch the relevant metrics and push them to Last9.

Create an Akamai API Client for the relevant reporting APIs, share the following credentials with the Last9 team.

  • host
  • client_token
  • client_secret
  • access_token

The data flow is as follows.

Akamai Metrics to Last9

CP Codes

Content Provider codes (CP codes) identify your traffic on the ​Akamai​ network for reporting, billing, and monitoring purposes. The Last9 Akamai integration needs access to the CP Codes from your account to map the metrics underlying the CP Code correctly. Please share the CP Codes in the following CSV format.

Network(ESSL/FF),CPCode,Expected peak hits/s for the CPCode,List of hostnames,Path

Standard Akamai Metrics

This integration collects the following standard metrics from Akamai for given CP codes.

  • edgeHits
  • hitsOffload
  • originHits
  • bytesOffload
  • edgeBytes
  • midgressBytes
  • originBytes
  • edgeHitsTotal
  • originHitsTotal
  • hitsOffload
  • bytesOffload
  • edgeBytesTotal
  • midgressBytesTotal
  • originBytesTotal

Next steps

Once the credentials are shared with the Last9 team, the Akamai connector will be enabled for your account. Moreover, metrics will start flowing into your Last9 cluster.


Please get in touch with us on Discord or Email if you have any questions.