Setup vmoperator with only vmagent and vmservicescrape
Step by step guide on how to setup vmoperator with only vmagent and vmservicescrape to scrape your Kubernetes svcs and remote write metrics to Last9
The vmoperator streamlines the deployment and management of vmagent on Kubernetes, optimizing for ease of use while retaining native configuration options inherent to Kubernetes environments. It achieves this by introducing various custom resource definitions (CRDs) into the Kubernetes ecosystem and send metrics semalessly to Last9.
Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs)
- vmagent
- vmnodescrapes
- vmservicescrapes
- vmprobes
- vmpodscrapes
- vmstaticscrapes
These CRDs empower users to effortlessly create and manage vmagent instances along with scrape configurations like VMServiceScrape, VMPodScrape, etc. These configurations closely resemble the Prometheus Operator’s ServiceMonitor and PodMonitor. This eliminates the need for manual setup of vmagent deployment, image configuration, and other intricate details.
Make sure you have the following prerequisites installed:
kubectl - Kubernetes command-line tool
Clone this repository to your local machine:
Install Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs)
Navigate to the
directory: -
Install the CRDs using
: -
Verify that the CRDs are successfully installed:
You should see the names of the installed CRDs in the output.
Install vmoperator
Navigate to the
directory: -
Install the operator and rbac using
: -
Verify the status of the operator:
You should see the vmoperator pod in running status.
Install vmagent
Navigate to the
directory: -
You will need to obtain your Last9 cluster’s Remote Write URL and its credentials. Here is a quick way to create your cluster and obtain your credentials. Run the below command to list all the placeholder values in this file vmagent.yaml
Proceed to installation once you have replaced the placeholder values with actual values
Install vmagent in the
namespace usingkubectl
: -
Verify the status of the vmagent and ensure that it’s running:
Install VMServiceScrape (i.e ServiceMonitor and PodMonitor)
Navigate to the vmservicescrape/
VMServiceScrape works similar to Prometheus Operator’s ServiceMonitor and PodMonitor where you can define scrape selectors to do service and pod discovery.
In this file vmservicescrape.yaml you can override default scrape selectors to suit your requirements. By default this assumes the default labels that are applied to the exporter as part of their installations.
Below is the generic command to find you the labels of your K8s Services.
Once, you have inspected the labels for the services that you chose to scrape, you can then proceed to modify this file vmservicescrape.yaml and match the scrape selector labels with the labels of your services.
Another caveat to note here is to ensure that the namespaces are also declared correctly for the scrape selectors to correctly perform service discovery.
This file also includes scrape configs for Common Exporters such as Kafka, Redis, Node, RabbitMQ, Prometheus Pushgateway etc.
Run this command to list all the Todo
comments which will guide you to customize this
file vmservicescrape.yaml
as required.
Install VMServiceScrape using kubectl
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