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Mar 12th, β€˜25 / 11 min read

Prometheus Port Configuration: A Detailed Guide

Learn how to configure Prometheus ports correctly, whether using defaults or custom settings, to keep your monitoring setup running smoothly.

Prometheus Port Configuration: A Detailed Guide

Setting up Prometheus should be straightforward, but when metrics stop flowing, it’s usually something simpleβ€”like a port issue. Misconfigure it, and suddenly, your whole monitoring setup feels like a guessing game. This guide breaks down how to configure Prometheus ports properly, whether you're sticking to defaults or need a custom setup.

The Prometheus Port Architecture

Prometheus port is the network endpoint where your Prometheus server listens for incoming connections to scrape metrics from your targets. By default, Prometheus uses port 9090 for its web interface and API.

But here's the thing – Prometheus isn't just one port. Your entire monitoring ecosystem involves multiple ports that need to play nice together:

  • 9090: Prometheus server web UI and API
  • 9091: Pushgateway (when you need to push metrics instead of having them scraped)
  • 9093: Alertmanager
  • 9100: Node Exporter (for machine metrics)
  • 9104: MySQL Exporter
  • 9114: Elasticsearch Exporter
  • 9115: Blackbox Exporter
  • 9182: SNMP Exporter

Each component in the Prometheus ecosystem follows the pattern of exposing an HTTP endpoint on a specific port. This modular design allows for distributed deployment and independent scaling.

If you're configuring Prometheus ports, chances are you'll need to interact with its API. Here's how to make the most of it: Prometheus API.

Why Your Prometheus Port Configuration Makes or Breaks Your Monitoring Strategy

Mess up your port configuration and you're flying blind. Here's what's at stake:

  • Security vulnerabilities: Open the wrong ports to the wrong networks and you've left your monitoring data out on the porch with a "take me" sign
  • Data black holes: Misconfigured ports mean metrics don't get collected, and you don't know what you don't know
  • Troubleshooting nightmares: When something breaks at 3 AM, proper port setup makes the difference between a quick fix and an all-nighter
  • Performance bottlenecks: Incorrect port setup can lead to excessive network traffic or TCP connection exhaustion
  • Infrastructure scalability limits: As your infrastructure grows, proper port management becomes essential for maintaining clean network segmentation

How to Configure Custom Prometheus Server Ports: Command-Line and YAML Methods

The simplest way to change your Prometheus server port from the default 9090 is through the command line when you start the service:

prometheus --web.listen-address=:8080

This command tells Prometheus to listen on port 8080 on all network interfaces ( The colon prefix (:8080) is shorthand for "bind to all available network interfaces on port 8080." This is particularly useful in containerized environments where you don't know the IP address in advance.

If you want to bind to a specific IP address, you can specify that too:

prometheus --web.listen-address=

This more restrictive configuration binds Prometheus only to the specified IP address ( on port 8080. This is useful for multi-homed servers where you want to limit which network interface Prometheus is accessible from, enhancing security by reducing exposure.

Alternatively, you can configure this in your prometheus.yml configuration file:

  listen_address: ":8080"  # Just the port for all interfaces
  # OR
  # listen_address: ""  # Specific IP:Port

This YAML configuration achieves the same result as the command-line options but makes it persistent in your configuration file. The web section is completely separate from the global section in your config file, which contains settings like scrape_interval and evaluation_interval. This separation allows for cleaner organization of configuration parameters.

Note that when running Prometheus in systemd, you would typically modify the service file to include these options:

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/prometheus \
    --config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml \
    --storage.tsdb.path=/var/lib/prometheus \

This systemd service configuration ensures Prometheus will always start with your custom port, even after system reboots.

Once your Prometheus ports are configured, the next step is making queries more efficient. Check out how Prometheus functions can help: Prometheus Functions.

Advanced Port Configuration

For more complex network setups, you might need Prometheus to listen on multiple interfaces or support IPv6:

# For IPv6 support
prometheus --web.listen-address="[::]:9090"

# For multiple listeners (requires prometheus 2.37.0+)
prometheus --web.listen-address= --web.listen-address=

The first command configures Prometheus to listen on all IPv6 interfaces. The square brackets are part of the IPv6 address notation. The second command (available in newer Prometheus versions) allows Prometheus to listen on multiple specific interfaces simultaneously, giving you granular control over network access.

How to Configure Target Exporter Ports with Authentication and Timeout Controls

Your monitoring targets (the services you want data from) need their ports properly set up. Here's how that works for some common exporters with advanced configuration options:

Exporter Default Port Configuration Method Advanced Options Common Gotchas
Node Exporter 9100 --web.listen-address=":9100" --web.config.file="/path/to/config.yml" Firewall rules often block this; SELinux can prevent access to system metrics
MySQL Exporter 9104 --web.listen-address=":9104" --collect.info_schema.tables.process=false Needs MySQL user with stats permissions; connection pooling affects metrics
Blackbox Exporter 9115 --web.listen-address=":9115" --timeout=5s Target URLs need to be reachable; DNS resolution failures can cause high latency
cAdvisor 8080 --port=8080 --docker_only=true Container access permissions; high cardinality metrics can cause memory issues

For exporters that use HTTP endpoints, you can configure authentication. Here's an example for the Node Exporter:

# web-config.yml for node exporter
  cert_file: server.crt
  key_file: server.key
  prometheus: $2y$10$qrPkF6JVZpyf.4g8CXP77OnnXxtiIPljLnECqK.g7ItIwl2WnM/Vi

This configuration sets up TLS encryption and basic authentication for your Node Exporter. The password is stored as a bcrypt hash, significantly enhancing security by protecting your metrics endpoint from unauthorized access.

In your Prometheus scrape config, you'll need to match this authentication:

  - job_name: 'node'
      username: prometheus
      password: secret_password
      insecure_skip_verify: false
      ca_file: /path/to/ca.crt
      - targets: ['node1:9100', 'node2:9100']

This scrape configuration includes the credentials and TLS settings needed to access the secured Node Exporter endpoints. The insecure_skip_verify: false option ensures certificate validation, protecting against man-in-the-middle attacks.

Configuring Prometheus ports is just the start. Understanding metric types will help you make sense of the data you're collecting: Prometheus Metric Types.

Port Conflicts: Resolving the "Address Already in Use" Error

Running into the dreaded "address already in use" error? You've got a port conflict. Here's how to fix it systematically:

For systemd services, update and restart:

sudo systemctl edit prometheus.service
# Add the override with the new port
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart prometheus

This sequence creates a systemd override that changes the port, reloads the systemd configuration, and restarts the Prometheus service with the new settings without modifying the original service file.

For temporary testing, kill the conflicting process:

sudo kill -9 $(sudo lsof -t -i:9090)

This command forcibly terminates whatever process is using port 9090. Use with caution, as it doesn't gracefully shut down the service, which could lead to data corruption for some applications.

Update your prometheus.yml scrape configs:

  - job_name: 'prometheus'
      - targets: ['localhost:9091']

This configuration updates Prometheus to scrape itself at the new port (9091). Without this change, self-monitoring would fail since Prometheus would try to scrape the old port.

Pick a different port:

prometheus --web.listen-address=:9091

This configuration changes Prometheus to use port 9091 instead of the default 9090, avoiding the conflict. Remember that when changing ports, you'll need to update anything that connects to Prometheus.

Find the culprit:

sudo netstat -tulpn | grep 9090
# OR for a more detailed view
sudo ss -tulpn | grep 9090

These commands show all processes using port 9090. The netstat command is more widely available, while ss is newer and can provide more detailed information. The output will show the PID (process ID) of whatever is using your port.

Port Management in Containerized Environments

Containers add another layer to port configuration. When using Docker, you'll need to map container ports to host ports:

docker run -p 8080:9090 prom/prometheus --web.listen-address=:9090

This Docker command maps the host's port 8080 to the container's port 9090. Inside the container, Prometheus is still listening on its usual port (9090), but from outside, you'll access it via port 8080. The --web.listen-address=:9090 is redundant here since it's the default, but included for clarity.

For Docker Compose, you'd use:

    image: prom/prometheus
      - "8080:9090"
      - '--config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml'
      - '--storage.tsdb.path=/prometheus'
      - '--web.listen-address=:9090'

This Docker Compose configuration achieves the same port mapping as the previous command but in a declarative format that's easier to maintain.

In Kubernetes, you'll need a Service definition with more nuanced control:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: prometheus
  annotations: 'true' '9090'
    app: prometheus
  - name: web
    port: 9090
    targetPort: 9090
  type: ClusterIP  # or NodePort/LoadBalancer depending on your needs

This Kubernetes Service exposes the Prometheus pod's port 9090 as a service. The type: ClusterIP makes it only accessible within the cluster. Use NodePort to expose it on each node's IP, or LoadBalancer to provision an external load balancer (in cloud environments).

For Istio service mesh environments, you'll need to consider port naming conventions:

- name: http-prometheus
  port: 9090
  targetPort: 9090

This naming convention (http-prometheus) tells Istio that this is an HTTP port, enabling features like automatic mTLS, retry logic, and traffic splitting.

If you're setting up Prometheus in a containerized environment, check out how to run it with Docker Compose for a smoother deployment: Prometheus with Docker Compose.

Enterprise-Grade Security for Prometheus Ports

An open Prometheus port can expose sensitive metrics about your infrastructure. Lock it down with these enterprise approaches:

Kubernetes Network Policies for granular access control:

kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: prometheus-access
  namespace: monitoring
      app: prometheus
  - from:
    - namespaceSelector:
          access: monitoring
    - podSelector:
          role: monitoring-dashboard
    - protocol: TCP
      port: 9090

This Kubernetes NetworkPolicy restricts access to Prometheus pods to only pods with specific labels and from specific namespaces. This microsegmentation provides defense-in-depth by controlling traffic at the Kubernetes network layer.

Firewall Rules with IP-based allowlisting:

# Allow access only from specific IP ranges
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 9090 -s -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 9090 -j DROP

These iptables rules allow access to port 9090 only from the private network range and drop all other connection attempts. This network-layer protection complements application-layer security measures.

TLS Encryption with certificate verification:

  listen_address: ":9090"
    cert_file: prometheus.crt
    key_file: prometheus.key
    client_auth_type: "RequireAndVerifyClientCert"
    client_ca_file: client_ca.crt

This advanced TLS configuration not only encrypts traffic to/from Prometheus but also requires clients to present valid certificates for mutual TLS authentication. This provides extremely strong security by ensuring both server and client identities are verified.

Basic Auth with bcrypt hashed passwords:

  listen_address: ":9090"
    admin: $2y$10$zT7JcUX.j0BWQHUwNnG8Ue/eKz8qPB3QQnUt.GHDB.DkNP0YzEfTe  # "admin_password"
    readonly: $2y$10$lQi/hU/7WiYK6U3gXfDnqOTiNQ2L3qH8MxQALQkMn75M6wcGzGT7G  # "viewer_password"

This configuration sets up two users with different passwords. You can generate these bcrypt hashes using tools like htpasswd Or online generators. Multiple users allow for different access levels, enhancing security through the principle of least privilege.

Setting up Prometheus is one thing, but making sure it scales without breaking is another. Here’s how to do it right: Scaling Prometheus.

Advanced Diagnostic Techniques for Prometheus Port Issues

When metrics aren't flowing, check these common port-related issues with advanced troubleshooting:

Container networking issues?

# Check if port is properly exposed in Docker
docker ps | grep prometheus

# Inspect the container network settings
docker inspect --format '{{.NetworkSettings.Ports}}' prometheus

# In Kubernetes, check pod status and events
kubectl describe pod prometheus-pod-name

These commands help troubleshoot container-specific networking issues. They verify that the container is running, that ports are correctly mapped, and (in Kubernetes) show events that might indicate why a pod can't start or expose its ports properly.

Firewall blocking?

# Check existing rules
sudo iptables -L | grep 9090

# Test connectivity with telnet
telnet your-prometheus-server 9090

# For more complex diagnosing, try traceroute + port
sudo traceroute -T -p 9090 your-prometheus-server

These commands help identify network-level issues. The iptables command shows if there are explicit rules affecting port 9090, telnet tests basic TCP connectivity, and traceroute with the -T and -p flags show where along the network path TCP connections to port 9090 might be failing.

Exporter not scraping?

# Test basic connectivity
curl http://your-exporter:9100/metrics

# Check Prometheus scrape status
curl http://your-prometheus:9090/api/v1/targets | jq .

# Debug a specific scrape with verbose logging
curl -s 'http://your-prometheus:9090/api/v1/query?query=up{job="node"}' | jq .

This sequence of commands helps isolate where the problem lies. The first tests if the exporter is accessible, the second checks what Prometheus knows about all targets, and the third checks the status of a specific job. The jq tool formats the JSON output for readability.

Can't connect to Prometheus UI?

# If you've configured a custom port (like 8080)
curl -v http://your-prometheus-server:8080/-/healthy

# Or default port
curl -v http://your-prometheus-server:9090/-/healthy

# With TLS and authentication
curl -v --cacert ca.crt --cert client.crt --key client.key -u admin:password https://your-prometheus-server:9090/-/healthy

The -v (verbose) flag in these curl commands shows the entire HTTP transaction, including TLS handshake details and HTTP headers. This provides crucial information for diagnosing connection, authentication, or TLS certificate issues.

Optimize Prometheus Port Handling for High-Scale Deployments

For high-cardinality environments with millions of time series, port configuration needs careful optimization:

  listen_address: ":9090"
  max_connections: 512
  read_timeout: 30s
  write_timeout: 30s
  max_request_size: 2097152  # 2MB in bytes

This configuration tunes Prometheus' HTTP server parameters to handle high loads. The max_connections setting limits concurrent connections to prevent resource exhaustion, while the timeouts prevent slow clients from tying up connections indefinitely. The max_request_size setting limits the size of incoming HTTP requests to prevent memory exhaustion attacks.

For the Prometheus Go runtime itself, you can add:

prometheus --web.listen-address=:9090 --web.max-connections=512 --storage.remote.flush-deadline=1m

These additional flags control connection pooling and remote write behavior. The flush deadline setting is particularly important for remote storage scenarios, where it controls how long Prometheus will wait when shutting down before dropping unwritten samples.

Getting your Prometheus ports right is crucial, but so is keeping it highly available. Learn how to avoid single points of failure: High Availability in Prometheus.

Prometheus Port in High-Availability Setups

Running Prometheus at scale? Your port configuration needs to account for load balancing and redundancy:

    prometheus: 'prom-1'  # Unique identifier
    cluster: 'production'
    replica: 'A'

  listen_address: ":9090"

This configuration adds external labels that uniquely identify this Prometheus instance. These labels are critical in federated setups to avoid duplicate metrics.

For Thanos sidecars, you'll need additional ports:

thanos sidecar \
    --tsdb.path="/path/to/prometheus/data" \
    --prometheus.url="http://localhost:9090" \
    --grpc-address="" \
    --http-address="" \

This Thanos sidecar configuration exposes two additional ports: 10901 for gRPC communication between Thanos components and 10902 for the HTTP endpoint. The sidecar connects to the local Prometheus on its port 9090, uploads blocks to object storage, and enables querying of both real-time and historical data.

For a complete Thanos setup with Kubernetes, you would need:

# For Prometheus
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: prometheus
    app: prometheus
  - name: web
    port: 9090
    targetPort: 9090

# For Thanos Sidecar
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: thanos-sidecar
    app: prometheus
  - name: grpc
    port: 10901
    targetPort: 10901
  - name: http
    port: 10902
    targetPort: 10902

This configuration creates separate Kubernetes services for Prometheus and its Thanos sidecar, allowing different components to connect to the appropriate ports. This separation is essential for scalability in large deployments.

Best Practices for Prometheus Port in Enterprise Environments

Keep your monitoring stack humming with these enterprise-grade approaches:

  • Standardize port assignments across environments using Infrastructure as Code tools like Terraform or Ansible
  • Document your port mapping in a service registry or CMDB, not just in your configuration files
  • Use service discovery with relabeling for dynamic environments to avoid hardcoded ports
  • Set up port monitoring with synthetic probes that regularly check endpoint availability
  • Implement circuit breakers for remote write endpoints to prevent cascading failures
  • Use consistent port naming conventions across all exporters and services
  • Use sidecars for consistent port exposure in microservice architectures
  • Create dedicated service accounts with least privilege for each Prometheus instance

Example of standardized port allocation in Ansible:

    port: 9090
    port: 9093
    port: 9100
    port: 9104
    port: 9999

This Ansible variable structure enforces consistent port allocation across your entire infrastructure, making it easier to manage firewall rules and troubleshoot issues.

Once your Prometheus setup is running smoothly, recording rules can help optimize queries and reduce load. Learn how to use them: Prometheus Recording Rules.

Wrapping Up

With the foundation of a solid monitoring stack you'll have reliable metrics flowing when you need them most – during incidents when every second counts.

Remember these key takeaways:

  • Default ports are just starting points – customize them for your security and network requirements
  • Port configuration goes beyond just listening addresses – think about TLS, authentication, and connection limits
  • In containerized environments, you have multiple layers of port configuration (container, service, ingress)
  • As scale increases, port management becomes increasingly important for reliability and security
If you've any questions about your Prometheus setup, jump into our Discord Community to discuss with other developers.



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Prathamesh Sonpatki

Prathamesh Sonpatki

Prathamesh works as an evangelist at Last9, runs SRE stories - where SRE and DevOps folks share their stories, and maintains - a glossary of all terms related to observability.