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Feb 6th, ‘25 / 11 min read

Postgres Logs 101: Types, Configuration, and Troubleshooting

Learn the essentials of PostgreSQL logs, including types, configuration tips, and troubleshooting strategies to optimize your database performance.

Postgres Logs 101: Types, Configuration, and Troubleshooting

PostgreSQL, one of the most powerful open-source relational databases, provides extensive logging capabilities to help administrators monitor performance, debug issues, and ensure database security.

However, many developers and database administrators (DBAs) overlook the full potential of Postgres logs, leading to inefficient troubleshooting and missed optimization opportunities.

This guide covers everything you need to know about Postgres logs—from configuration to advanced logging techniques—helping you maximize their value and stay ahead of the competition.

Why PostgreSQL Logging Matters

PostgreSQL logs serve as a vital resource for:

  • Debugging performance issues: Identify slow queries, deadlocks, and locking issues.
  • Security auditing: Monitor unauthorized access attempts and suspicious activity.
  • Query optimization: Analyze execution times and optimize queries accordingly.
  • System monitoring: Detect errors, crashes, or anomalies before they become major issues.
For more on real-time error log monitoring, check out our guide on how to monitor error logs in real time.

Types of PostgreSQL Logs

PostgreSQL provides various types of logs to help monitor database activity, diagnose issues, and optimize performance.

These logs capture different aspects of database operations, including errors, slow queries, connections, and more. Below are the main types of PostgreSQL logs:

1. Error Logs

Error logs record messages related to database errors, warnings, and notices. These logs help administrators identify issues such as failed queries, permission errors, and syntax mistakes.

The logging level can be configured using parameters like log_min_error_statement to filter logs by severity (e.g., ERROR, FATAL, PANIC).

2. Query Logs

Query logs track SQL statements executed by users. Enabling log_statement allows the logging of ALL, MOD, DDL, or NONE queries. Additionally, log_min_duration_statement can be set to log queries that take longer than a specified duration, helping in performance tuning.

3. Connection and Authentication Logs

These logs capture details about user connections, disconnections, and authentication failures. Parameters like log_connections, log_disconnections, and log_authentication provide insights into user activity and potential security threats.

4. Slow Query Logs

Slow query logs record queries that exceed a specified execution time. This helps database administrators identify bottlenecks and optimize indexing and query execution plans. The log_min_duration_statement the parameter controls this logging.

5. Autovacuum Logs

PostgreSQL’s auto vacuum process helps maintain database health by reclaiming storage and updating statistics. Enabling log_autovacuum_min_duration logs auto vacuum activities that exceed a defined duration, aiding in performance monitoring.

For insights on using Pino Pretty for log formatting, check out our guide on Pino Pretty.

6. Checkpoint Logs

Checkpoint logs provide information on database checkpoints, which ensure data consistency. These logs help in understanding database write activity and tuning checkpoint-related settings like log_checkpoints.

7. Lock and Deadlock Logs

PostgreSQL can log lock waits and deadlocks, helping to diagnose transaction contention issues. Enabling log_lock_waits records queries waiting on locks, while deadlocks are automatically logged when detected.

8. Replication Logs

Replication logs capture details related to streaming replication, WAL (Write-Ahead Logging), and standby server synchronization. Parameters like log_replication_commands help monitor replication-related activities.

9. Temporary File Logs

PostgreSQL logs temporary file usage when queries exceed available memory and spill to disk. Setting log_temp_files allows monitoring of temporary file creation, which helps in optimizing memory settings.

Each of these log types serves a specific purpose, providing insights into different aspects of database performance, security, and maintenance.

Logging Levels and Severity in PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL provides multiple logging levels that control the verbosity and detail of log outputs.

These levels help administrators filter logs based on the severity of messages, making it easier to diagnose issues, monitor activity, and optimize performance.

The logging level is primarily controlled by the log_min_messages and log_min_error_statement parameters.

Logging Levels in PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL categorizes log messages into the following severity levels, listed from highest to lowest importance:


The database system encountered a critical error and must shut down immediately.


A serious issue occurred that prevents the session from continuing, such as an authentication failure or data corruption.


A query or command failed due to a syntax issue, constraint violation, or other operational error.


A potential issue was detected, but the query or operation was still completed. Examples include deprecated functions or near-full disk space.


Informational messages about database operations, such as implicit index creation or table modifications.


General system information messages are often useful for monitoring but not indicating issues.


Detailed internal messages used for debugging, available on multiple levels (DEBUG1 to DEBUG5), with increasing verbosity.

Learn more about syslog levels and their importance in log management by reading our guide on what are syslog levels.

Configuring Logging Levels

  • log_min_messages: Defines the minimum severity level for messages to be logged. For example, the setting log_min_messages = WARNING will log WARNING, ERROR, FATAL, and PANIC messages but ignore NOTICE, INFO, and DEBUG.
  • log_min_error_statement: Specifies the minimum severity level at which the full SQL statement causing the error is logged.

Log Formatting and Structure in PostgreSQL

Proper log formatting and structure can make it easier to parse logs, integrate with external monitoring tools, and analyze specific database activities.

This section covers how to customize PostgreSQL log formats, including options for plain text, JSON, and CSV formatting.

Basic Log Format Configuration

PostgreSQL logs are formatted using a combination of configuration parameters that define the output structure. These parameters are set in the postgresql.conf file, allowing fine-tuned control over log formatting.


This parameter allows you to define a custom prefix for each log line. The prefix can include placeholders that represent dynamic values, such as the timestamp, session ID, database name, or query text. Some commonly used placeholders are:

  • %t: Timestamp of the log entry
  • %d: Database name
  • %u: User name
  • %r: Remote host name or IP address
  • %p: Process ID
  • %c: Session ID
  • %x: Transaction ID

Example configuration:

log_line_prefix = '%t [%p]: [%l-1] user=%u, db=%d, remote=%r '

This would produce log entries like:

2025-02-06 10:10:10.123 [12345]: [1-1] user=postgres, db=mydb, remote=


This parameter controls the level of SQL query logging. It can log NONE, DDL (Data Definition Language), MOD (Data Modification), or ALL (all SQL statements). Combined with log_min_duration_statement, it allows you to capture long-running queries as well.

Structured Log Formats: JSON and CSV

PostgreSQL supports structured logging in both JSON and CSV formats. These formats are useful for integrating PostgreSQL logs with external log management systems, monitoring platforms, or data analysis tools.

JSON Format

The JSON log format provides a structured, machine-readable output that can be easily processed by tools like ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) or other log aggregators. To enable JSON logging, you can set the following parameters:

  • log_destination: Set this to json to log in JSON format.
  • log_line_prefix: Customizes the structure of each log entry.

Example configuration for JSON:

log_destination = 'json'
log_line_prefix = '{"time": "%t", "user": "%u", "db": "%d", "query": "%q", "duration": "%d"}'

Sample output:

{"time": "2025-02-06T10:10:10.123Z", "user": "postgres", "db": "mydb", "query": "SELECT * FROM users", "duration": 123}

This format is ideal for automated systems that need to parse logs efficiently and can help streamline the analysis process by providing structured data.

To learn about enhancing Python logging with structlog, check out our guide on Python logging with structlog.

CSV Format

PostgreSQL also supports CSV logging for simple, tabular output. This format is useful for exporting log data to spreadsheets or other tools that require CSV input. To enable CSV logging, set the following parameters:

  • log_destination: Set this to csvlog for CSV-formatted logs.

Example configuration for CSV:

log_destination = 'csvlog'
log_line_prefix = 'time,user,db,query,duration'

Sample output:

"2025-02-06T10:10:10.123Z", "postgres", "mydb", "SELECT * FROM users", 123

Customizing Log Output

In addition to predefined formats, PostgreSQL allows fine-grained control over log content through additional parameters:

  • log_error_verbosity: Controls the amount of detail provided in error messages. You can choose from TERSE, DEFAULT, or VERBOSE levels.
  • log_duration: Logs the duration of each query execution. This can be helpful for performance analysis.
  • log_temp_files: Logs the creation of temporary files during query execution. This helps identify queries that may require additional memory resources.

Log Rotation and File Naming

Proper log rotation is essential for maintaining log files. PostgreSQL can automatically rotate logs based on size or time intervals. The following parameters control log rotation:

  • log_rotation_age: Defines the maximum age of a log file before it is rotated.
  • log_rotation_size: Specifies the maximum size of a log file before it is rotated.
For a detailed guide on log rotation in Linux, check out our article on log rotation in Linux.

PostgreSQL Log Configuration

PostgreSQL provides several parameters that allow administrators to customize logging behavior, define log file locations, and control the level of detail captured in logs.

This section will cover key configuration settings for PostgreSQL logs, including. log_directory, log_destination, and enabling the logging_collector.


The log_directory parameter specifies the directory where PostgreSQL will store its log files.

By default, PostgreSQL stores logs in the pg_log subdirectory within the data directory. However, you can configure it to store logs in any location that has the necessary permissions.

Configuration Example:

log_directory = '/var/log/postgresql'

Make sure the directory exists and that PostgreSQL has appropriate permissions to write logs. Use an absolute path for the log_directory to avoid confusion and potential issues with relative paths.


The log_destination parameter determines where the log messages will be sent. PostgreSQL supports multiple log destinations, and you can specify one or more of them. The most commonly used destinations are stderr, syslog, csvlog, and jsonlog. You can even combine multiple destinations for more flexibility.

Configuration Options:

  • stderr: Logs are written to the standard error output. This is the default setting for most PostgreSQL installations.
  • syslog: Logs are sent to the system’s syslog service. This is useful for centralized logging.
  • csvlog: Logs are written in CSV format, which can be easily processed by other tools.
  • jsonlog: Logs are written in JSON format for structured data processing.

Configuration Example:

log_destination = 'stderr, csvlog'

This configuration writes logs both to the standard error output and in CSV format.

To understand the fundamentals of log parsing, read our guide on the basics of log parsing.


The logging_collector parameter controls whether PostgreSQL collects log entries into log files or simply writes them to the standard output (stderr).

If enabled, PostgreSQL will capture all log messages and write them to files in the location defined by the log_directory parameter.

By default, the logging_collector is set to off, meaning PostgreSQL logs messages to stderr. However, enabling the collector is crucial for capturing and managing log files.

Configuration Example:

logging_collector = on

When enabled, you can specify additional parameters such as the log file name pattern and log file rotation behavior (e.g., based on size or time).


The log_filename parameter defines the name pattern for the log files. You can use placeholders to create dynamic log file names based on the date, time, or process ID.

Common Placeholders:

  • %Y: Four-digit year (e.g., 2025)
  • %m: Two-digit month (e.g., 02)
  • %d: Two-digit day of the month (e.g., 06)
  • %H: Two-digit hour (e.g., 10)
  • %M: Two-digit minute (e.g., 30)
  • %P: Process ID (e.g., 12345)

Configuration Example:

log_filename = 'postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log'

This will create log files with names like postgresql-2025-02-06_103000.log, making it easy to track logs by date and time.

log_rotation_age and log_rotation_size

To prevent log files from growing too large, you can configure log rotation. The log_rotation_age and log_rotation_size parameters determine when log files are rotated.

  • log_rotation_age: Specifies the maximum time interval before a new log file is created. It can be set in seconds, minutes, hours, or days.
  • log_rotation_size: Defines the maximum size of a log file before rotation occurs. You can set this in kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB), or gigabytes (GB).

Configuration Examples:

log_rotation_age = '1d'    # Rotate logs daily
log_rotation_size = '10MB' # Rotate logs when they reach 10MB


The log_min_messages parameter determines the minimum severity level for messages to be logged. This controls the verbosity of the logs. You can set this to various severity levels, such as DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and PANIC. The default is usually WARNING, but you can adjust this based on your needs.

Configuration Example:

log_min_messages = 'ERROR'

This configuration logs only errors, warnings, and critical messages, ignoring lower severity messages like notices and debug information.


The log_min_error_statement parameter specifies the minimum severity level of error messages for which the SQL statement will be logged. This is particularly useful when you want to log the actual SQL query that led to an error.

Configuration Example:

log_min_error_statement = 'ERROR'

This will log the SQL query whenever an error of severity ERROR or higher occurs.


The log_statement parameter controls the logging of SQL queries. You can set it to log ALL queries, MOD queries (modifications), DDL queries (data definition), or NONE (no queries). This is useful for tracking all database activities or narrowing down the logs to specific operations.

Configuration Example:

log_statement = 'MOD'   # Log all data modification queries (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE)

Summary of Key Log Configuration Parameters

ParameterDescriptionExample Value
log_directoryDefines where log files are stored./var/log/postgresql
log_destinationSpecifies where logs are sent (stderr, syslog, etc.).stderr, csvlog
logging_collectorEnables or disables log file collection.on
log_filenameDefines the naming pattern for log files.postgresql-%Y-%m-%d.log
log_rotation_ageSets the rotation interval for logs.'1d' (daily rotation)
log_rotation_sizeSpecifies the maximum size before log rotation.10MB
log_min_messagesSets the minimum message severity to log.'ERROR'
log_min_error_statementControls the logging of SQL queries for error messages.'ERROR'
log_statementDefines the types of SQL queries to log.'MOD' (modifications only)

How to Enable PostgreSQL Logging

To enable logging, modify your postgresql.conf file. The key settings include:

log_destination = 'stderr'  # Options: stderr, csvlog, syslog, eventlog (Windows)
logging_collector = on  # Required for stderr logs
log_directory = 'pg_log'  # Directory where logs will be stored
log_filename = 'postgresql-%Y-%m-%d.log'  # Naming pattern for log files
log_rotation_age = 1d  # Rotate logs daily
log_rotation_size = 10MB  # Rotate logs when they reach 10MB

Restart PostgreSQL to apply these changes:

sudo systemctl restart postgresql

How to Choose the Right Log Destination

PostgreSQL supports multiple logging destinations. The most commonly used ones are:

  • stderr (default): Suitable for most setups.
  • csvlog: Useful for structured logs, making analysis easier.
  • syslog: Ideal for integration with centralized logging systems.
  • eventlog (Windows): Logs to the Windows Event Log.

What are the Essential Logging Parameters

1. Statement and Query Logging

Enable logging of all executed queries to track database activity:

log_statement = 'all'  # Options: none, ddl, mod, all
log_min_duration_statement = 500  # Logs queries taking longer than 500ms

2. Error Logging

To capture critical errors, use:

log_min_messages = warning  # Options: debug5 - fatal
log_error_verbosity = verbose  # More details on errors

3. Lock and Deadlock Logging

For detecting locking issues:

deadlock_timeout = '2s'  # Logs when locks exceed 2 seconds
log_lock_waits = on  # Logs transactions waiting on locks

4. Connection and Authentication Logging

Monitor connection activity:

log_connections = on  # Logs each connection
log_disconnections = on  # Logs when users disconnect
log_hostname = on  # Logs client hostnames
For a deeper dive into using Zap Logger for structured logging, check out our article on Zap Logger.

Advanced Logging Techniques

Log Parsing and Analysis

Using pgBadger, a powerful log analyzer, you can visualize logs with:

pgbadger -p "%t [%p]: [%l-1] user=%u,db=%d,app=%a,client=%h" /var/log/postgresql/postgresql.log -o report.html

JSON Logging for Structured Analysis

For better integration with logging systems like Last9:

log_destination = 'jsonlog'

This enables structured JSON logs, making analysis easier.

Using Log Triggers for Real-Time Monitoring

You can set up triggers that log specific database actions:

    INSERT INTO audit_log (table_name, action, changed_by, changed_at)
    VALUES (TG_TABLE_NAME, TG_OP, current_user, NOW());
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Attach this to a table:

CREATE TRIGGER users_log_trigger
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION log_table_changes();

How to Integrate PostgreSQL Logs with External Tools

1. Centralized Logging

Forward PostgreSQL logs to Last9 for centralized log collection and analysis. You can use syslog or directly forward logs to Last9:

echo "local0.* @last9-server:514" >> /etc/rsyslog.conf
sudo systemctl restart rsyslog

Logs will be available in Last9 for search, alerting, and analysis.

2. Alerting with Last9

Last9 automatically collects PostgreSQL metrics and logs for alerting. Set up custom alerts for critical events like slow queries, errors, and performance degradation. Get notified via your preferred channels in real time.

3. Log Rotation & Retention Policies

Set up automatic log deletion for PostgreSQL logs older than 30 days to manage storage:

find /var/log/postgresql -name "*.log" -mtime +30 -delete

Use cron to schedule regular log cleanup.

4. Monitoring with Last9

Integrate PostgreSQL logs with Last9 for comprehensive, real-time monitoring and performance insights. Last9 offers advanced logging, query analysis, and system health monitoring, all in one platform.

Last9’s Single Pane for High Cardinality Observability
Last9’s Single Pane for High Cardinality Observability

3 Common PostgreSQL Logging Issues & Solutions

1. Log Files Growing Too Large

Solution: Adjust log_rotation_size and log_rotation_age.

2. Too Much Noise in Logs

Solution: Use log_min_duration_statement to filter slow queries only.

3. Logs Not Capturing Enough Details

Solution: Set log_error_verbosity = verbose for detailed logs.

Best Practices for PostgreSQL Logging

  1. Use Log-Parsing Tools
    Use tools like pgBadger or Last9 for log parsing and performance insights.
  2. Enable Slow Query Logging
    Set log_min_duration_statement for slow query logging. Last9 automatically tracks and visualizes slow queries.
  3. Rotate Logs Regularly
    Configure log rotation with log_rotation_age and log_rotation_size. Last9 handles log retention and cleanup.
  4. Integrate with Monitoring Systems
    Integrate PostgreSQL logs with Last9 for centralized monitoring, performance insights, and alerting.
  5. Secure Log Files
    Restrict access to logs with proper permissions. Last9 secures and centralizes log data for monitoring.


PostgreSQL logging is a crucial aspect of database administration that can significantly improve performance monitoring, troubleshooting, and security. Implement the techniques discussed in this guide to maximize the benefits of PostgreSQL logs and maintain a robust database environment.

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Anjali Udasi

Anjali Udasi

Helping to make the tech a little less intimidating. I love breaking down complex concepts into easy-to-understand terms.
