Oct 1st, ‘24/5 min read

How to Monitor Ephemeral Storage Metrics in Kubernetes

Explore practical methods for monitoring ephemeral storage metrics in Kubernetes to ensure efficient resource management and improve overall performance.

How to Monitor Ephemeral Storage Metrics in Kubernetes

Monitoring ephemeral storage metrics in Kubernetes is essential to ensure stable operations as containers dynamically use storage that can quickly fill up. Keeping an eye on these metrics helps prevent potential issues such as storage shortages, performance slowdowns, or even pod evictions. 

In this blog, we'll explore how to effectively track ephemeral storage usage in your Kubernetes environment, helping you maintain optimal resource management, minimize bottlenecks, and avoid disruptions in your applications.

What is Ephemeral Storage in Kubernetes?

Ephemeral storage in Kubernetes refers to the temporary storage allocated to pods for managing their internal processes. Unlike persistent storage, which remains across pod restarts and is used for long-term data, ephemeral storage is transient.

It's typically used for caching, logs, and temporary files generated by applications running in pods.

Also, check out our complete guide on kube-state-metrics for more insights on simplifying Kubernetes observability.

Challenges with monitoring Ephemeral Storage respective to running pods

The challenge with ephemeral storage arises from its temporary nature. When a pod is terminated, the data in ephemeral storage is lost. Moreover, unmonitored ephemeral storage can lead to node-level issues like resource exhaustion, impacting not just one pod but potentially the entire cluster.

This makes monitoring ephemeral storage critical for avoiding disruptions and ensuring optimal performance.

However, Kubernetes' default monitoring tool i.e. kube-state-metrics provides limited visibility into ephemeral storage usage. This gap in monitoring can lead to unforeseen issues, including pod eviction and application downtime due to storage overconsumption.

Understanding how your pods consume ephemeral storage is key to preemptively managing these risks and maintaining a healthy Kubernetes environment.

This has been an open issue for quite a while : https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/69507

K8s Ephemeral Storage Metrics

A new project was created to address the aforementioned issue which is a prometheus ephemeral storage metric exporter for pods, containers, nodes, and volumes.

This does not monitor CSI backed ephemeral storage ex. Generic ephemeral volumes

It functions by collecting and exposing metrics related to the ephemeral storage used by each pod, allowing for a granular understanding of storage utilization patterns therefore ensuring that ephemeral storage usage is not a blind spot in your Kubernetes cluster management.

Installation & Setup

Before proceeding, ensure your Kubernetes cluster is running a compatible version since the exporter is designed for recent Kubernetes releases.

Prometheus and Grafana must also be set up beforehand, as the k8s-ephemeral-storage-metrics integrate with Prometheus.

The exporter is available as a Helm chart, and you can follow the installation instructions in the repository to set it up within your Kubernetes cluster.

To install the k8s-ephemeral-storage-metrics Helm chart, follow these steps:

  1. Add the Helm repository:
helm repo add k8s-ephemeral-storage-metrics https://jmcgrath207.github.io/k8s-ephemeral-storage-metrics/chart
  1. Update the Helm repositories:
helm repo update
  1. Install or upgrade the chart in your Kubernetes cluster:
helm upgrade --install my-deployment k8s-ephemeral-storage-metrics/k8s-ephemeral-storage-metrics

This will deploy the exporter for ephemeral storage metrics in your Kubernetes environment.

Verification Checklist

After installation, confirm the following to ensure successful deployment:

  1. Kubernetes Service: Run the command below to verify the Kubernetes service:
kubectl get svc k8s-ephemeral-storage-metrics -n default --kubeconfig=$KUBECONFIG
  1. Expected output:
NAME                            TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
k8s-ephemeral-storage-metrics   ClusterIP   <none>        9100/TCP   30s

This confirms that the service is running and ready to collect metrics.

K8s Deployment

To verify the deployment of the ephemeral storage metrics, run the following command:

kubectl get deployment k8s-ephemeral-storage-metrics -n default --kubeconfig=$KUBECONFIG

You should see output similar to this:

NAME                            READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
k8s-ephemeral-storage-metrics   1/1     1            1           30s

K8s Pods

To verify the pods running for the ephemeral storage metrics, use the following command:

kubectl get pods -n default --kubeconfig=$KUBECONFIG -l app.kubernetes.io/instance=k8s-ephemeral-storage-metrics

You should see output like this:

NAME                                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
k8s-ephemeral-storage-metrics-fbf74b85d-9f6bp   1/1     Running   0          30s

Once verification is complete, the k8s-ephemeral-storage-metrics service will be exposing metrics on port 9100, which will need to be scraped.

Custom ServiceMonitor Configuration & Installation

The Prometheus Operator has become the go-to method for managing Prometheus in Kubernetes.

To effectively monitor ephemeral storage metrics, you'll need to create a specific ServiceMonitor resource that points to the k8s-ephemeral-storage-metrics service and its endpoints. This configuration allows Prometheus to scrape the necessary metrics.

  1. To get started, copy the k8s-ephemeral-storage-metrics-service-monitor.yaml into a local file with the same name.
Ensure that the metadata → labels of the ServiceMonitor matches the selector configuration in your prometheus.yaml. Else this service monitor will not work.
apiVersion: monitoring.coreos.com/v1
kind: ServiceMonitor
  name: k8s-ephemeral-storage-metrics
    app.kubernetes.io/name: k8s-ephemeral-storage-metrics
    any: false
    matchNames: [ "default" ] # Change this to the namespace where you installed k8s-ephemeral-storage-metrics
      app.kubernetes.io/instance: k8s-ephemeral-storage-metrics
      app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: Helm
      app.kubernetes.io/name: k8s-ephemeral-storage-metrics
    - interval: 30s
      port: metrics
        - sourceLabels: [ __name__, exported_container ]
          regex: ".*;(.+)"
          targetLabel: container
        - sourceLabels: [ __name__, exported_namespace ]
          regex: ".*;(.+)"
          targetLabel: namespace
        - sourceLabels: [ __name__, exported_pod ]
          regex: ".*;(.+)"
          targetLabel: pod
  1. Apply the above config in your desired namespace
kubectl apply -f k8s-ephemeral-storage-metrics-service-monitor.yaml -n default --kubeconfig=$KUBECONFIG
  1. Verify as below
kubectl get ServiceMonitor  k8s-ephemeral-storage-metrics -n default
NAME                            AGE
k8s-ephemeral-storage-metrics   10s

Wiring it all up

You can access the Prometheus UI to view the metrics prefixed with ephemeral_storage. This will help you monitor the ephemeral storage metrics collected by the k8s-ephemeral-storage-metrics exporter.

Important Considerations:

  • The setup relies on the flawless operation of Prometheus' service discovery.
  • Accurate label matching is crucial; labels in the ServiceMonitor's selector must match the metadata on the targeted services exactly.
  • Any discrepancies in these labels can disrupt the service discovery process. Such disruptions can impact the effectiveness of monitoring.



Monitoring ephemeral storage in Kubernetes is essential for ensuring application performance and stability. The k8s-ephemeral-storage-metrics tool provides valuable insights into ephemeral storage usage at the pod level.

Integrating this tool into your Kubernetes strategy allows for proactive resource management, disruption prevention, and improved cluster health. The k8s-ephemeral-storage-metrics tool helps you effectively navigate the complexities of ephemeral storage, ensuring that your Kubernetes environments run efficiently and resiliently.

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Anjali Udasi

Helping to make the tech a little less intimidating. I love breaking down complex concepts into easy-to-understand terms.

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