Last9 Last9

Join Last9 at Monitorama

Meet the Last9 team at Monitorama and reduce your Metrics Cost by 50% with Levitate

Join Last9 at Monitorama

πŸ“June 26-28, 2023 | Gerding Theater at the Armory | Portland, OR

Last9 team will be at Monitorama conference in Portland from 26th June to 28th June. Meet us at Monitorama and let's celebrate Observability!

πŸ† Reduce Metrics TCO by 50% with Levitate

We built Levitate from the ground up, with warehousing capabilities baked-in, to mitigate the problems faced by time series databases β€” of high cardinality and concurrent access while providing highly available storage, faster queries, and proactive alerting.

Levitate: A Time Series Data Warehouse
Levitate: A Time Series Data Warehouse

Meet us at Monitorama to get a blueprint of how Levitate reduces your Metrics cost by 50%.

πŸ‘©πŸ»β€βœˆ Meet Our Observability Crew at Booth J

Meet Nishant, Aditya, and Prathamesh at Booth J and get answers on how we effectively manage Observability Infrastructure.

⚑️Lightning talk on 28th June

Nishant - our CEO is giving a lightning talk on 28th June at 11:40 AM PST. Do join us to know how we solve Observability challenges for large scale organizations with our Managed Observability Infrastructure.

🏏 Cricket Scale

Wondering what is Cricket Scale and what challenges it throws at Observability platforms, we have first hand experience of managing Cricket Scale for last three years for India's biggest OTT platforms. Quiz us on everything on how we help manage the Observability of 30M+ concurrent users with Cricket Scale.

πŸ‘• Grab the Last9 T-Shirts

Grab our famous Last9 t-shirts and get hold of sparkling stickers before they get over.

☎️ Not at Monitorama?

Worry not! Schedule time with us and know how we can help you in reducing metrics costs by 50%. Additionally, keep an eye on our blog to get a recap of Monitorama once the event is over.