Last9 Last9


Remapping: Extract and Map Log Attributes

Remapping: Extract and Map Log Attributes

Last9 now support a new Ingestion-level pipeline: Remapping. This can be useful for transforming your data into the desired format or structure for your use case.

  • Extract labels and their values from a log line body to be mapped either into Log Attributes or Resource Attributes
    • Choose Upsert (the default option) when only the latest state and value matters, storage efficiency is important, and want to avid duplicate attributes
    • Choose Insert if you need audit trails, the historical value changes are important, and storage isn’t a concern
    • You can also preview the last 2 mins of ingested log lines based on the extract and remap configurations
  • Map service or severity to attributes and their values
    • The mapped values are then available as filters
    • You can also preview the last 2 mins of ingested log lines based on the extract and remap configurations