Oct 3rd, ‘24/7 min read

Synthetic Monitoring Explained: A Developer's Guide

Synthetic monitoring empowers developers to stay ahead of potential problems by simulating real user actions. This guide breaks down how it works, its benefits, and how you can use it to keep your web applications and APIs performing at their best.

Synthetic Monitoring Explained: A Developer's Guide

As organizations increasingly rely on digital applications, synthetic monitoring has emerged as a crucial tool for ensuring optimal application performance and enhancing user experience.

This guide takes you through the ins and outs of synthetic monitoring, exploring its implementation and highlighting its importance in enhancing modern observability practices.

Understanding Synthetic Monitoring

Synthetic monitoring, also known as active monitoring, is a proactive approach to monitoring the performance and functionality of web applications, APIs, and other digital services.

Unlike real user monitoring (RUM), which collects data from actual user interactions, synthetic monitoring simulates user behavior using automated scripts or bots.

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How Does Synthetic Monitoring Work?

At its core, synthetic monitoring works by continuously executing predefined scripts that mimic user actions. These scripts can range from simple HTTP requests to complex multi-step transactions.

Here's a basic example of a synthetic test using Python and the requests library:

import requests
import time

def synthetic_test():
    start_time = time.time()
    response = requests.get('https://api.example.com/endpoint')
    end_time = time.time()
    response_time = end_time - start_time
    status_code = response.status_code
    return {
        'response_time': response_time,
        'status_code': status_code,
        'is_successful': status_code == 200

result = synthetic_test()
print(f"API Response Time: {result['response_time']:.2f} seconds")
print(f"Status Code: {result['status_code']}")
print(f"Test Passed: {result['is_successful']}")

This script performs a simple GET request to an API endpoint and measures the response time and status code. In practice, synthetic monitoring tools offer more sophisticated capabilities, including:

  • Multi-step transaction monitoring
  • Browser-based tests for frontend performance
  • API functionality testing
  • Geographic distribution of test agents
  • Continuous execution and alerting

Synthetic Monitoring vs. Real User Monitoring

While both synthetic monitoring and real user monitoring contribute to overall observability, they serve different purposes:

Synthetic MonitoringReal User Monitoring
Simulated trafficActual user traffic
Consistent baselineVaried real-world conditions
Detects issues before usersCaptures actual user experience
Ideal for SLA monitoringBetter for understanding user behavior

The most effective monitoring strategies often combine both approaches to gain a comprehensive view of application performance and user experience.

Observability vs. Telemetry vs. Monitoring | Last9
Observability is the continuous analysis of operational data, telemetry is the operational data that feeds into that analysis, and monitoring is like a radar for your system observing everything about your system and alerting when necessary.

Popular Synthetic Monitoring Tools
Several tools are available for synthetic monitoring, including:

  • Datadog Synthetic Monitoring: Offers end-to-end testing to simulate user journeys across your applications.
  • Last9: A telemetry data warehouse that supports synthetic monitoring, enabling proactive testing of application performance by simulating user interactions to ensure optimal service availability.
  • New Relic Synthetics: Allows you to run scripted tests to monitor the performance of your web applications.
  • Pingdom: Simplifies monitoring with easy-to-use synthetic testing for website uptime and performance.
  • Selenium: Enables custom browser-based tests to create fully customizable synthetic monitoring scenarios.

Key Benefits of Synthetic Monitoring

  • Proactive Issue Detection: Identify and resolve problems before they impact end users.
  • 24/7 Availability Tracking: Continuously monitor uptime and performance, even during low-traffic periods.
  • Baseline Performance Metrics: Establish consistent benchmarks for application performance.
  • SLA Compliance: Accurately measure and report on service level agreements.
  • Geographic Performance Insights: Understand how your application performs across different regions.
  • Third-party Service Monitoring: Track the performance of integrated services and APIs.
  • Competitor Benchmarking: Compare your application's performance against competitors.

Implementing Synthetic Monitoring

To effectively implement synthetic monitoring, consider the following steps:

  1. Identify Critical Paths: Determine the most important user journeys and API endpoints to monitor.
  2. Design Test Scripts: Create scripts that accurately simulate user behavior and API interactions.
  3. Set Performance Thresholds: Establish acceptable baselines for metrics like response time and availability.
  4. Configure Alerts: Set up notifications for when performance degrades or errors occur.
  5. Integrate with CI/CD: Incorporate synthetic tests into your deployment pipeline to catch issues early.
  6. Analyze and Iterate: Regularly review monitoring data and refine your tests and thresholds.
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Winning Replit over by taming High Cardinality data and deprecating Thanos

Best Practices for Synthetic Monitoring

  • Balance Frequency and Load: Run tests often enough to catch issues quickly, but not so frequently that they impact application performance.
  • Simulate Real User Scenarios: Design tests that closely mimic actual user behavior and critical business transactions.
  • Monitor from Multiple Locations: Use geographically distributed test agents to understand regional performance variations.
  • Keep Scripts Updated: Regularly review and update test scripts to reflect changes in your application.
  • Correlate with Other Data: Combine synthetic monitoring insights with RUM and backend metrics for a holistic view.
  • Monitor Third-party Services: Include tests for critical third-party APIs and services your application depends on.
  • Use Authenticated Tests: Where applicable, include tests that simulate logged-in user experiences.

Challenges and Considerations

While synthetic monitoring offers numerous benefits, it's important to be aware of potential limitations:

  • Simulation vs. Reality: Synthetic tests may not capture all real-world scenarios or edge cases.
  • Maintenance Overhead: Test scripts require regular updates to stay relevant as your application evolves.
  • False Positives: Poorly configured tests can lead to unnecessary alerts and fatigue.
  • Cost Considerations: Some synthetic monitoring solutions can be expensive, especially at scale.
  • Privacy and Security: Ensure that synthetic tests don't expose sensitive data or create security vulnerabilities.


Synthetic monitoring is a powerful tool in the modern developer's toolkit, offering proactive insights into application performance and user experience. As web applications and APIs continue to grow in complexity, the role of synthetic monitoring in maintaining high-quality digital experiences becomes increasingly crucial.

Remember, the key to successful synthetic monitoring lies in thoughtful implementation, regular maintenance, and integration with your overall monitoring and development strategies.

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What is meant by synthetic monitoring?
Synthetic monitoring is a proactive monitoring technique that uses automated scripts to simulate user interactions with websites, applications, or APIs. It helps detect performance issues, validate functionality, and measure user experience before real users are affected.

What is synthetic monitoring in DevOps?
In DevOps, synthetic monitoring is used to continuously validate application performance and functionality throughout the development lifecycle. It's integrated into CI/CD pipelines to catch issues early and ensure consistent quality across deployments.

What is synthetic API monitoring?
Synthetic API monitoring involves running automated tests against API endpoints to check their availability, response times, and correctness of returned data. It's crucial for validating API performance and detecting issues in real-time.

What is the difference between synthetic and real user monitoring?
Synthetic monitoring uses scripted tests to simulate user behavior, while real user monitoring (RUM) collects data from actual user interactions. Synthetic monitoring provides consistent, proactive insights, whereas RUM offers real-world performance data and user experience metrics.

How does synthetic monitoring work?
Synthetic monitoring works by executing predefined scripts that mimic user actions or API calls. These scripts are run at regular intervals from various geographic locations, collecting performance data, load times, and functionality checks.

Why is synthetic transaction monitoring important?
Synthetic transaction monitoring is crucial for validating complex user workflows, such as checkout processes or multi-step forms. It ensures that critical business transactions are functioning correctly and meeting performance expectations.

What is synthetic testing?
Synthetic testing refers to the process of creating and running automated tests that simulate user interactions or API calls. It includes browser tests, API tests, and network checks to provide a comprehensive view of application performance and functionality.

How does synthetic monitoring contribute to maintaining website uptime?
Synthetic monitoring helps maintain website uptime by continuously checking the availability of web pages and services. It can quickly detect and alert on downtime, allowing for rapid troubleshooting and resolution of issues before they significantly impact users.

What is observability, and how does synthetic monitoring contribute to it?
Observability is the ability to understand the internal state of a system based on its external outputs. Synthetic monitoring contributes to observability by providing consistent, controlled data points about system performance and functionality, complementing other monitoring types like logs, metrics, and traces.

Why is synthetic application performance monitoring important?
Synthetic Application Performance Monitoring (APM) is important because it provides a proactive approach to detecting and diagnosing performance issues. It helps establish performance baselines, track SLAs, and identify potential problems before they affect end-users.

How can synthetic monitoring improve the performance of web applications?
Synthetic monitoring improves web performance by:

  • Providing early detection of performance degradation
  • Helping identify root causes of issues through detailed performance data
  • Enabling proactive optimization based on consistent benchmarks
  • Validating performance across different geographic locations and network conditions

How can synthetic monitoring be set up for a multi-step transaction process?
To set up synthetic monitoring for multi-step transactions:

  • Break down the process into individual steps (e.g., login, product selection, checkout)
  • Create scripts that simulate each step, including data inputs and validations
  • Use a synthetic monitoring tool that supports multi-step workflows
  • Set up checks and assertions at each step to validate successful completion
  • Configure end-to-end performance measurements for the entire transaction

Can synthetic monitoring detect website performance issues before users are affected?
Yes, synthetic monitoring can detect many performance issues before users are affected by continuously running tests at set intervals. This proactive approach allows teams to identify and resolve problems quickly, often before real users encounter them.

Can synthetic monitoring predict user experience issues?
While synthetic monitoring can't predict all user experience issues, it can identify potential problems by consistently measuring key performance indicators like page load times, API response times, and availability across different conditions. This data can be used to forecast potential user experience degradations.


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Anjali Udasi

Helping to make the tech a little less intimidating. I love breaking down complex concepts into easy-to-understand terms.