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Syslog Servers Explained: How They Help with Logging

A syslog server collects and centralizes logs, making troubleshooting faster and easier. Learn how it works and why it’s useful.

Syslog Servers Explained: How They Help with Logging

Your team lead just dropped, "We need to set up a syslog server," and now you're wondering what you've signed up for.

Syslog servers aren’t just another checkbox in your infrastructure; they’re the quiet workhorses that keep logs organized and accessible. When things go wrong, they help you connect the dots faster.

Imagine this: It’s 3 AM, and alerts are flooding in. Your authentication service is failing, but the logs on that server show nothing unusual. Without a central place for logs, you’d be chasing shadows. But with a syslog server, you'd spot the database errors that led to the failure—minutes instead of hours.

What's a Syslog Server?

A syslog server is essentially a logging server that collects, stores, and organizes event messages from your network devices, routers, servers, operating systems, and applications – basically, anything that can generate event logs. Think of it as the central location where all your system's stories get told.

The beauty of syslog is its simplicity. It follows a straightforward logging protocol that's been around since the 1980s (yes, older than some of you reading this), making it compatible with almost everything in your tech stack, from Unix-based systems to network hardware that uses SNMP.

Here's how it works in practice:

  1. Your Linux servers, network routers, firewalls, and applications generate log messages about what they're doing
  2. These devices send their event messages to your syslog server using the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) over port 514 or TCP (also port 514)
  3. The syslog listener (often a daemon process) receives these messages, processes them according to rules you define, and stores them in an organized way.
  4. You can then search, analyze, and visualize these logs through various interfaces, or feed them into a SIEM system.

For example, when a user fails to authenticate to your SSH server, that server generates a log entry like:

Apr 15 14:22:15 webserver sshd[12345]: Failed password for invalid user admin from port 59812 ssh2

The message format includes a header that contains the timestamp, hostname, and process information, followed by the actual content. This standard syslog format (as defined in RFC 5424) allows for consistent logging across different platforms.

Without a syslog server, this message would only exist on the webserver itself. With a syslog server, this message gets forwarded to your central logging system where it can be correlated with other events.

If you're setting up a syslog server, understanding log data is key. Learn what log data is and why it matters here.

Why You Need a Syslog Server

Let's be real – you could manually SSH into each server and check logs. But that's like checking your Instagram DMs one friend at a time when you could just open the app and see everything.

Here's why syslog servers are worth your time:

  • Centralized logging – All your logs are in one place. No more server-hopping. When you're managing dozens or hundreds of servers, centralization isn't just convenient—it's essential. For example, tracing a user session that touches your load balancer, web server, API service, and database becomes possible when all those logs are in one place.
  • Real-time monitoring – Catch issues before your users tweet about them. Imagine seeing a spike in database connection errors minutes before your application would normally crash. That's the power of real-time log monitoring.
  • Troubleshooting on steroids – When something breaks, having all logs in one place makes finding the culprit 10x faster. Example: Your users report intermittent 503 errors. Your application logs show nothing, but your syslog server reveals that your load balancer is periodically failing health checks because of network timeouts.
  • Security insights – Spot suspicious activities across your entire network. For instance, seeing failed login attempts across multiple systems from the same IP address could indicate a brute force attack that might go unnoticed if you're checking logs individually.
  • Compliance requirements – Many regulations like SOC 2, HIPAA, and PCI-DSS require centralized logging and retention. With a syslog server, you can prove who accessed what and when, with logs stored securely away from the original systems.
  • Historical analysis – When properly archived, your logs become a treasure trove of operational intelligence. You can identify patterns like "every month-end our payment processor slows down" that wouldn't be obvious without historical data.
Once your syslog server is set up, monitoring it is just as important. Learn how to track and manage syslog data effectively here.

Syslog 101: The Essential Components You Need

The syslog protocol has three main components that make up every message, and understanding these will help you configure, filter, and make the most of your system logging:

ComponentWhat It DoesExamplePractical Use
Facility CodesIdentifies the source typekern (kernel), auth (authentication), local0-7 (custom applications)Filter logs by subsystem (e.g., show only authentication logs)
Severity LevelsIndicates how critical the message isemerg (panic), err (error), info (informational messages), debug (debugging info)Set up alerts for critical conditions while storing less significant condition logs
MessageThe actual log content"User 'admin' logged in from"Contains the details you need for troubleshooting

Each log message gets tagged with these components, making it easier to filter and prioritize when you're drowning in syslog data.

Here's a complete syslog message broken down:

<13>Apr 15 14:30:15 webserver sshd[12345]: Accepted password for user1 from port 52413 ssh2

In this example:

  • <13> is the priority value (facility × 8 + severity). The facility (1 = user messages) and severity (5 = notice) are encoded here
  • Apr 15 14:30:15 is the timestamp
  • webserver is the hostname
  • sshd[12345] is the program name and process ID
  • Everything after the colon is the actual message

Modern syslog implementations like RFC 5424 support UTF-8 encoding and structured data, allowing for more complex event messages.

You can use these components to create powerful filtering rules. For instance, you might want to:

  • Store all authentication logs (facility = auth) in a separate file for security review
  • Set up immediate alerts for any emergency (severity = emerg) messages
  • Forward all kernel-related logs (facility = kern) to a specialized analysis tool
Good logging makes troubleshooting easier and reduces noise. Check out some best practices to keep your logs useful here.

Setting Up Your First Syslog Server

Here's how to set up a basic syslog server using rsyslog, which comes pre-installed on most Linux distros. I'll walk you through each step with detailed explanations.

1. Preparing Your Syslog Server Environment

First, make sure you have a dedicated server or VM for your syslog server. For a small to medium environment (up to ~50 servers), these specs should be sufficient:

  • 2-4 CPU cores
  • 8GB RAM
  • 100GB+ storage (sized for your retention needs)
  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS or RHEL/CentOS 8 (examples below use Ubuntu)

Check if rsyslog is installed:

rsyslogd -v

If not installed, add it:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install rsyslog

2. Configure rsyslog to Accept Remote Logs from Network Devices

Edit the rsyslog config file:

sudo nano /etc/rsyslog.conf

Find and uncomment these lines (or add them if they don't exist):

# Provides UDP syslog reception
input(type="imudp" port="514")

# Provides TCP syslog reception
input(type="imtcp" port="514")

This tells rsyslog to listen for log messages on the standard syslog ports (UDP and TCP 514). UDP is faster but doesn't guarantee delivery, while TCP is more reliable but slightly slower.

Example use case: UDP is fine for most logs, but for critical security events, consider using TCP to ensure delivery.

3. Create a Smart Template for Organizing and Storing Logs

Add this template to organize logs by hostname and date:

# Create the base directory
$WorkDirectory /var/spool/rsyslog # Where to place spool files
$ActionFileDefaultTemplate RSYSLOG_TraditionalFileFormat # Use traditional timestamp format

# Create a template that organizes logs by hostname and date
$template RemoteLogs, "/var/log/remote/%HOSTNAME%/%$YEAR%-%$MONTH%-%$DAY%.log"

# Use the template for all messages
*.* ?RemoteLogs

# Optionally, store authentication logs separately for easier security audits
auth,authpriv.* /var/log/remote/auth.log

This creates separate log files for each device sending logs, organized by date. For example, logs from a server named "webserver" from April 15th, 2023 would be stored in /var/log/remote/webserver/2023-04-15.log.

Create the directory structure:

sudo mkdir -p /var/log/remote
sudo chown -R syslog:adm /var/log/remote

4. Set Up Log Rotation to Manage Disk Space

Create a logrotate configuration to prevent your logs from filling up the disk:

sudo nano /etc/logrotate.d/remote-logs

Add these rules:

/var/log/remote/*/*.log {
    rotate 7
    create 0640 syslog adm

This configuration:

  • Rotates logs daily
  • Keeps 7 days of logs
  • Compresses old logs to save space
  • Creates new log files with the right permissions
A syslog server can generate a lot of logs, so managing them is crucial. Learn how log rotation in Linux helps keep things organized here.

5. Restart rsyslog to Apply Your Configuration Changes

sudo systemctl restart rsyslog

Verify it's running correctly:

sudo systemctl status rsyslog

You should see "active (running)" in the output.

6. Configure Your Firewall to Allow Syslog Traffic

Make sure ports 514/UDP and 514/TCP are open on your syslog server:

sudo ufw allow 514/tcp
sudo ufw allow 514/udp
sudo ufw status

For production environments, consider restricting these ports to only accept connections from your internal network:

sudo ufw allow from to any port 514 proto tcp
sudo ufw allow from to any port 514 proto udp

7. Configure Client Devices to Send Logs to Your Syslog Server

For Linux clients:

Edit their rsyslog.conf:

sudo nano /etc/rsyslog.conf

Add these lines (replace with your syslog server's IP):

# Send all logs to the central syslog server
*.* @  # Use @ for UDP, @@ for TCP

# Optionally, filter what you send
# This example sends only important messages
#*.info;mail.none;authpriv.none;cron.none @

Then restart rsyslog on the client:

sudo systemctl restart rsyslog

For network devices (like Cisco):

logging host
logging trap informational
service timestamps log datetime localtime

For Windows servers (requires additional setup):

Install the NXLog agent and configure it with:

<Input in>
    Module im_msvistalog

<Output out>
    Module om_udp
    Port 514
    Exec to_syslog_ietf();

<Route 1>
    Path in => out

8. Test and Verify Your Syslog Server Setup

Generate a test log from a client:

logger -n -P 514 -t TEST "This is a test syslog message"

Then check if it arrived on your syslog server:

sudo grep TEST /var/log/remote/*/$(date +%Y-%m-%d).log

If everything is working correctly, you should see your test message.

That's it! Your syslog server is now collecting logs from across your infrastructure. As you add new servers or network devices, just configure them to send logs to your central syslog server.

Understanding the difference between logging and log tracing can help you choose the right approach for troubleshooting. Learn more here.

5 Common Syslog Server Mistakes to Avoid

Here are the pitfalls to watch out for:

Neglecting Log Rotation:

Logs will eat up your disk space faster than you think. A busy web server can generate gigabytes of logs per day. Without proper rotation:

  • Your disk fills up
  • Your syslog server stops accepting new logs
  • Your applications crash because they can't write logs

Solution: Set up proper log rotation with retention policies that match your needs.

# Example logrotate configuration
/var/log/remote/*/*.log {
    daily           # Rotate every day
    rotate 30       # Keep 30 days of logs
    compress        # Compress older logs
    delaycompress   # Don't compress the most recent rotated log
    missingok       # Don't error if log file is missing
    notifempty      # Don't rotate empty logs
    create 0640 syslog adm  # Create new log files with these permissions
        systemctl reload rsyslog

Forgetting About Time Synchronization:

Without proper NTP (Network Time Protocol) configuration, your logs will have incorrect timestamps, making troubleshooting a nightmare.

Imagine trying to correlate these events:

  • Web server (time drifted -2 minutes): 10:15:30 - User login request received
  • Auth server (time correct): 10:17:45 - User authentication successful
  • Database (time drifted +1 minute): 10:18:30 - Query executed

Did authentication take over 2 minutes? Nope, the clocks are just wrong.

Solution: Set up NTP on all servers:

# Install NTP
sudo apt install ntp

# Configure NTP servers
sudo nano /etc/ntp.conf
# Add these lines:

# Restart NTP
sudo systemctl restart ntp

Ignoring Security:

Logs can contain sensitive data. By default, syslog transmits in plain text, potentially exposing:

  • User credentials
  • Session tokens
  • Personal information
  • Internal network details

Solution: Encrypt syslog transmissions:

For rsyslog, use TLS encryption:

# On the server
$DefaultNetstreamDriver gtls
$DefaultNetstreamDriverCAFile /etc/ssl/certs/ca.pem
$DefaultNetstreamDriverCertFile /etc/ssl/certs/server-cert.pem
$DefaultNetstreamDriverKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/server-key.pem

$ModLoad imtcp
$InputTCPServerStreamDriverMode 1
$InputTCPServerStreamDriverAuthMode anon
$InputTCPServerRun 10514

# On the client
$DefaultNetstreamDriver gtls
$DefaultNetstreamDriverCAFile /etc/ssl/certs/ca.pem
$DefaultNetstreamDriverCertFile /etc/ssl/certs/client-cert.pem
$DefaultNetstreamDriverKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/client-key.pem

$ActionSendStreamDriverMode 1
$ActionSendStreamDriverAuthMode anon

*.* @@(o)
Application logs are just as important as system logs for debugging and monitoring. Learn how they work and why they matter here.

Collecting Everything:

Be selective about what you log. Some verbose debug logs can overwhelm your server without adding value.

Example of poor filtering:

# Sending ALL logs, including debug
*.* @syslog-server:514

Better approach:

# Send everything except debug messages and mail
*.info;mail.none;*.!debug @syslog-server:514

Failing to Parse Structured Logs:

Modern applications often generate structured logs (JSON, etc.). If you're treating them as plain text, you're missing out on powerful analysis capabilities.

Solution: Configure your syslog server to parse structured logs:

For rsyslog with JSON parsing:


template(name="jsondata" type="list") {

if $msg contains "{" then {
    action(type="omfile" file="/var/log/structured.log" template="jsondata")

Ignoring Log Verification:

Just because you configured logging doesn't mean it's working. I've seen numerous cases where teams thought they were logging everything but weren't.

Solution: Implement regular log verification checks:

# Script to verify logging is working

# Generate a unique test message
TEST_ID=$(date +%s)
logger -n syslog-server -P 514 -t TEST "Verification test $TEST_ID"

# Wait a moment for the log to be processed
sleep 5

# Check if the test message appears in logs
if ssh syslog-server "grep '$TEST_ID' /var/log/remote/*" > /dev/null; then
  echo "Logging verification: SUCCESS"
  echo "Logging verification: FAILED"
  # Send alert
  mail -s "Syslog Verification Failed" << EOF
Syslog verification test failed at $(date).
Please check the syslog server configuration.

Run this script as a scheduled job to ensure your logging infrastructure stays healthy.

Here's a basic Python script to get started:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import re
import sys
from collections import Counter
import datetime

def analyze_logs(logfile):
    # Pattern to match IP addresses
    ip_pattern = r'\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}'
    # Pattern to match error messages and critical conditions
    error_pattern = r'(error|failure|failed|denied|critical)'
    # Pattern to match FTP activities
    ftp_pattern = r'(ftp|vsftpd|proftpd)'
    ip_addresses = []
    error_count = 0
    ftp_activity = 0
    timestamp_pattern = r'(\w{3}\s+\d{1,2}\s\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})'
    # Track events per hour
    hourly_events = {}
    with open(logfile, 'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            line = line.lower()
            # Find IP addresses
            ips = re.findall(ip_pattern, line)
            # Count errors and critical conditions
            if, line):
                error_count += 1
            # Count FTP activity
            if, line):
                ftp_activity += 1
            # Extract timestamp and count events per hour
            timestamp_match =, line)
            if timestamp_match:
                    # Parse the timestamp
                    timestamp =
                    date_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(timestamp, "%b %d %H:%M:%S")
                    hour = date_obj.hour
                    # Increment the count for this hour
                    hourly_events[hour] = hourly_events.get(hour, 0) + 1
                except ValueError:
                    # Skip lines with invalid timestamps
    # Get the top 5 most common IP addresses
    top_ips = Counter(ip_addresses).most_common(5)
    print(f"=== Syslog Analysis Report ===")
    print(f"Total events analyzed: {sum(hourly_events.values())}")
    print(f"Total errors/critical conditions found: {error_count}")
    print(f"FTP-related activities: {ftp_activity}")
    print("\nTop 5 IP addresses:")
    for ip, count in top_ips:
        print(f"{ip}: {count} occurrences")
    print("\nEvent distribution by hour:")
    for hour in sorted(hourly_events.keys()):
        bar_length = int(hourly_events[hour] / max(hourly_events.values()) * 40)
        print(f"{hour:02d}:00 - {hour:02d}:59: {hourly_events[hour]} events {'#' * bar_length}")
    # Calculate activity patterns
    morning = sum(hourly_events.get(h, 0) for h in range(6, 12))
    afternoon = sum(hourly_events.get(h, 0) for h in range(12, 18))
    evening = sum(hourly_events.get(h, 0) for h in range(18, 24))
    night = sum(hourly_events.get(h, 0) for h in range(0, 6))
    print("\nActivity patterns:")
    print(f"Morning (6am-12pm): {morning} events")
    print(f"Afternoon (12pm-6pm): {afternoon} events")
    print(f"Evening (6pm-12am): {evening} events")
    print(f"Night (12am-6am): {night} events")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
        print("Usage: ./ <logfile>")

This script scans a syslog file for IP addresses, error messages, critical conditions, and FTP activities, then reports various statistics including hourly distribution.

It's particularly useful for identifying patterns in your syslog data that might indicate security issues or operational problems.

The script does several things that make it valuable for network management:

  1. Identifies the most active IP addresses, which could help spot potential attackers or problematic clients
  2. Counts error messages and critical conditions, giving you an overview of system health
  3. Monitors FTP-related activities specifically
  4. Creates a visual representation of activity by hour, helping you identify unusual patterns

To use it, save the script as, make it executable (chmod +x, and run it against a log file:

./ /var/log/remote/webserver/2023-04-15.log

Sample output:

=== Syslog Analysis Report ===
Total events analyzed: 12543
Total errors/critical conditions found: 187
FTP-related activities: 23

Top 5 IP addresses: 1528 occurrences 845 occurrences 532 occurrences 398 occurrences 247 occurrences

Event distribution by hour:
00:00 - 00:59: 245 events ########
01:00 - 01:59: 198 events ######
09:00 - 09:59: 1245 events ########################################
23:00 - 23:59: 301 events ##########

Activity patterns:
Morning (6am-12pm): 5842 events
Afternoon (12pm-6pm): 4328 events
Evening (6pm-12am): 1620 events
Night (12am-6am): 753 events

You could extend this script to:

  1. Send alerts when critical conditions exceed a threshold
  2. Generate weekly or monthly reports for your team
  3. Export the data to CSV for further analysis
  4. Integrate with your SIEM system for more advanced security monitoring

Wrapping Up

A syslog server isn't just a nice-to-have – it's the difference between flying blind and having a radar system for your infrastructure. Start simple with rsyslog, get comfortable with the basics, and then explore more advanced options as your needs grow.

Even if you're just starting your DevOps or SRE journey, setting up a syslog server is one of those skills that will pay off immediately and continue to do so throughout your career.

Do you have any questions about syslog servers or want to share your setup? Jump into our Discord community – we're always up for talking logs


1. What is a syslog server?

A syslog server is a centralized system that collects, stores, and manages log messages from various devices, servers, and applications. It helps with troubleshooting, security monitoring, and compliance reporting.

2. Why do I need a syslog server?

A syslog server helps centralize logs, making it easier to detect issues, analyze trends, and respond to incidents quickly. Without one, logs are scattered across different machines, making troubleshooting difficult.

3. How does a syslog server work?

Devices and applications send log messages using the syslog protocol (UDP/TCP). The syslog server receives, categorizes, and stores these logs for later analysis and monitoring.

4. What kind of logs can a syslog server collect?

A syslog server can collect system logs, application logs, firewall logs, network device logs, and security audit logs from Linux, Windows (with additional setup), routers, and more.

5. What are the benefits of using a syslog server?

  • Centralized log management
  • Faster troubleshooting
  • Improved security and compliance tracking
  • Better performance monitoring
  • Reduced storage overhead with log rotation

6. Can Windows machines send logs to a syslog server?

Yes, but Windows doesn’t natively support syslog. You’ll need a tool like NxLog or Syslog-NG to forward Windows Event Logs to a syslog server.

7. What’s the difference between syslog and journald?

Syslog is a long-standing protocol for logging, whereas journald (used in systemd-based Linux distros) provides structured logging with more metadata. Some setups forward journald logs to syslog servers for centralized storage.

8. Does a syslog server require a lot of storage?

That depends on log volume and retention policies. Many syslog servers use log rotation and compression to manage storage efficiently.

9. How do I set up a syslog server on Linux?

You can use syslog servers like rsyslog, syslog-ng, or Graylog. The basic steps involve:

  1. Installing the syslog server package
  2. Configuring it to receive logs from remote sources
  3. Defining log storage and rotation policies
  4. Opening firewall ports if needed

10. Is syslog secure?

By default, syslog over UDP is not encrypted, making it vulnerable to spoofing. For secure log transmission, use syslog over TLS or alternative protocols like RELP.



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Preeti Dewani

Preeti Dewani

Technical Product Manager at Last9
