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Feb 25th, ‘25 / 5 min read

Pino Logger: The Fastest and Efficient Node.js Logging Library

Pino Logger is a fast and efficient Node.js logging library built for high performance and low overhead. Know more about its features and benefits.

Pino Logger: The Fastest and Efficient Node.js Logging Library

Logging is an integral part of any production-ready Node.js application. Whether you're debugging issues, monitoring application performance, or setting up a centralized logging system, an efficient logger is crucial. Pino is one of the best choices available due to its speed, low overhead, and powerful features.

This guide goes beyond the basics, providing an in-depth exploration of how to optimize Pino for your applications, use advanced features, and integrate it seamlessly with other tools. By the end of this article, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of how to make the most of Pino.

Why Choose Pino?

1. Unmatched Performance: Faster than Winston and Bunyan

Pino is designed to be incredibly fast, outperforming traditional loggers like Winston and Bunyan. It achieves this by using asynchronous logging and an efficient JSON serialization approach, which prevents the event loop from being blocked.

2. Non-Blocking Asynchronous Logging for Maximum Throughput

Unlike synchronous logging methods that slow down applications, Pino operates asynchronously, allowing log messages to be handled in a non-blocking manner. This significantly improves the responsiveness of your application under heavy load.

3. Structured JSON Logging for Seamless Integration

Pino outputs log in JSON format by default, making it easy to integrate with log aggregators like Elasticsearch, Loki, and Graylog. Structured logs are machine-readable and facilitate advanced search and filtering capabilities.

4. Minimal Memory Footprint and CPU Usage

Pino is built for efficiency, ensuring that your application doesn't consume excessive memory or CPU cycles just for logging purposes. This is particularly useful for microservices, serverless functions, and high-performance applications.

For a detailed guide on formatting logs for better readability, check out our article on Pino Pretty.

Step-by-Step Guide to Installing and Setting Up Pino

Install Pino via npm

To get started, install Pino using npm:

npm install pino

For global installation (optional):

npm install -g pino

Basic Pino Usage: Logging Messages with Different Levels

Creating a basic logger instance with Pino:

const pino = require('pino');
const logger = pino();"Hello, Pino!");
logger.error("An error occurred!");

Understanding the JSON Output Format

{"level":30,"time":1708782923201,"pid":12345,"hostname":"my-machine","msg":"Hello, Pino!"}

This structured format includes timestamps, process IDs, and hostnames automatically, ensuring consistent logging.

Advanced Pino Configuration Options

Customizing Logger Behavior

You can configure Pino to match your specific needs:

const logger = pino({
  level: 'debug',
  transport: {
    target: 'pino-pretty'

logger.debug("This is a debug message");
For more insights on managing log levels effectively, check out our article on Log Levels: Answers to the Most Common Questions.

Log Levels and Their Use Cases

Level Numeric Value Purpose
fatal 60 Critical system failures
error 50 Application errors
warn 40 Warnings that require attention
info 30 General application logs
debug 20 Debugging information
trace 10 Detailed execution tracing

How to Make Logs More Readable with Pretty-Printing

By default, Pino logs in JSON format. For development, you may prefer readable logs:

npm install pino-pretty

Then configure the logger:

const logger = pino({
  transport: {
    target: 'pino-pretty'

How to Write and Manage Log Files

To write logs to a file:

node app.js | pino-pretty > logs.txt

For rotating logs and managing file sizes, consider using logrotate or a similar tool.

How to Integrate Pino with Express for Request Logging

For web applications using Express, use pino-http:

npm install pino-http

Add it as middleware:

const express = require('express');
const pinoHttp = require('pino-http');

const app = express();

app.get('/', (req, res) => {"Request received");
  res.send("Hello, World!");

app.listen(3000, () => console.log("Server running on port 3000"));

Advanced Pino Features for Production Use

1. Logging to External Services and Aggregators

Pino can be used with external services like Elasticsearch, Datadog, and Loki.

const transport = pino.transport({
  targets: [
      target: 'pino-elasticsearch',
      options: { node: 'http://localhost:9200' }
const logger = pino(transport);

2. Creating Child Loggers for Contextual Logging

const childLogger = logger.child({ module: 'auth' });"User logged in");

3. Redacting Sensitive Data from Logs

const logger = pino({
  redact: ['password', 'token']
});{ password: '123456', token: 'abcdef' }, "User login");
To understand Syslog levels and how they compare to other logging systems, check out our article on What Are Syslog Levels?.

3 Common Issues and How to Fix Them

When working with Pino for logging in Node.js applications, developers often encounter challenges related to readability, missing metadata, and large log file sizes.

Below, we discuss these common issues and how to effectively resolve them.

Logs Are Difficult to Read

By default, Pino outputs logs in JSON format, which is optimized for performance but can be challenging to read in a development environment.

Solution: Use pino-pretty

pino-pretty is a tool that transforms JSON logs into a more human-readable format, making debugging and local development easier.

Alternatively, configure Pino to use pino-pretty in development:

const pino = require('pino');
const logger = pino({
  transport: {
    target: 'pino-pretty',
    options: {
      colorize: true,

Run Pino with pino-pretty:

node app.js | pino-pretty

Install pino-pretty:

npm install pino-pretty

This setup ensures that logs are formatted with better readability, including colorized output and structured formatting.

Metadata Is Missing from Logs

A common issue developers face is logging plain strings instead of structured objects, leading to missing critical metadata.

Solution: Log Objects Instead of Strings

Logging structured data ensures that additional information like timestamps, request IDs, and user details are properly recorded.

Correct Logging Approach:{ userId: 123, action: "login" }, "User logged in");

This method ensures that useful metadata is included in the logs, making it easier to analyze and debug issues.

Incorrect Logging Approach:"User logged in");

This logs only the string without any context.

For best practices on managing and optimizing log storage, check out our article on Log Retention.

Large Log Files

Applications running in production can generate massive amounts of logs, leading to performance issues and storage constraints.

Solution: Implement Log Rotation Strategies

Log rotation helps manage log file sizes by archiving old logs and limiting storage consumption.

  • Use external tools like logrotate in Linux to manage log files efficiently.

Integrate with pino-rotating-file for automated log rotation:

npm install pino-rotating-file
const logger = pino(
    dest: './logs/app.log',
    mkdir: true,
    sync: false,

Use pino/file transport to write logs to a file:

const logger = pino(pino.destination('./logs/app.log'));


With Pino, you get speed, efficiency, and flexibility. Whether you're running a microservice or a large-scale Node.js application, optimizing your logging with Pino can lead to significant performance gains.

Try it today and supercharge your logging setup!

And if you still have something to discuss, join our Discord community! We have a dedicated channel where you can share your specific use case with other developers.


How is Pino different from Winston?

Pino is faster, more efficient, and optimized for production. Winston is more flexible but introduces more overhead.

Can I use Pino with TypeScript?

Yes, install the type definitions: npm install @types/pino

Does Pino work with cloud logging services?

Yes, it integrates with AWS CloudWatch, Google Cloud Logging, and others.

How can I filter logs by level?

Set the level option: pino({ level: 'warn' })

Does Pino support structured logging?

Yes, Pino logs in JSON format by default, making it ideal for structured logging and easy integration with log management tools.

Can I use Pino with Express.js?

Yes, you can integrate Pino with Express using pino-http for efficient request logging:

const express = require('express');
const pino = require('pino-http')();
const app = express();


How do I enable pretty-printed logs for development?
Use the pino-pretty package:

node app.js | pino-pretty

Or configure it in your code:

const pino = require('pino');
const logger = pino({
  transport: {
    target: 'pino-pretty'



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Prathamesh Sonpatki

Prathamesh Sonpatki

Prathamesh works as an evangelist at Last9, runs SRE stories - where SRE and DevOps folks share their stories, and maintains - a glossary of all terms related to observability.